Our goal is to provide the highest quality services, maintaining impartiality and independence in our activities and striving to achieve the lowest possible impact on the natural environment and the highest safety standards.
We conduct our activity on the basis of legally valid administrative decisions in the field of environmental protection and the Integrated Management System certified in 2006:
- Quality according to the PN-EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard - certificate valid until: 26.01.2024
- Environmental according to the PN-EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard - certificate valid until: 26.01.2024
- OHS according to the PN ISO 45001: 2018-06 standard - certificate valid until: 26.01.2024.
In the area of laboratory activities, the requirements of the accreditation standard PN-EN ISO / IEC 17025 were implemented and in 2007 ORLEN Eko received the recognition of the Polish Center for Accreditation confirmed by the granted Accreditation Certificate.
We monitor changing legal requirements and strive to ensure that our offer complies with all restrictions. A risk-based approach enables us to identify hazards related to processes, our environmental impact and health and safety. Thanks to this, we can plan and apply preventive actions.
We accept every ohs report and take appropriate action. We involve the company's employees in building a culture of occupational health and safety and improving the Integrated Management System.
The above objectives were defined and detailed in the Integrated Management System Policy, which was adopted in the company on December 16, 2020.
The scope of the Integrated Management System includes the implementation of services:
- provided in the premises occupied by ORLEN Eko,
- at the place of services provided,
- on the way to/from the place of providing services in the country and foreign companies of the ORLEN Group.
The physical scope of the Integrated Management System is available from the Management Board Plenipotentiary for Management Systems and Information Protection.
In 2007, we received the accreditation certificate no. AB 835, granted by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (www.pca.gov.pl). It concerns our laboratory activities. Test reports issued by accredited laboratories are recognized by institutions in countries that are signatories to multilateral agreements (MLA/MRA).
The accreditation confirms that the laboratory provides precise measurements and tests carried out in accordance with best practice and enables the implementation of innovative solutions. In addition, it provides reliable information on the basis of which decisions can be made, e.g. in the field of environmental protection.
The implementation and application by ORLEN Eko of the requirements of the accreditation standard - PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" enables us to demonstrate that we operate competently and are able to obtain results by meeting the requirements of standards, legal regulations and customers.
We operate with our customers and their needs in mind. We follow changing expectations and requirements, including legal regulations.
Below we present the current Accreditation Certificate along with a detailed Scope of Accreditation. The Certificate and Scope are also available on the www.pca.gov.pl website.